Worship Wednesday #10: Adryelle
Posted on : 02-12-2022 | By : Rob Reed | In : Artist Profiles, Podcast, Video, Worship Songwriting
Tags: Adryelle, christian, electronica, worship music

Check out adryelle.com for the Adryelle’s website with links to all of her music and social media..
(1) Twitter testimony (your testimony in 140 characters or less)
I had lots of questions in high school, I started searching for answers which took me to study different religions and the “new age”. During that time I was also healing from a lot of things. Jesus didn’t become real to me till I was in college, even though I had knowledge of him from being raised in the church.
It says in the Word that if something isn’t pointing to Jesus then it is of the Antichrist.
(2) Tell us a bit more about you…